DEL RIO-LAUGHLIN POST # 298 Serving Del Rio, Laughlin A. F. B., Brackettville, Comstock, TEXAS, and the local area |
Next Post Meeting is 24 September at the VFW on 1st Street at 7:00 pm |
CLICK HERE FOR: Veterans Tribute Cards, Holiday, Seasonal, Special Event and Free eCards by 123Greetings (no official endorsement intended) |
Auxiliary Links | HOWDY !! This WebSite is updated (fairly) frequently -- Please stop by often!
Links have been added to this site that will help find your buddies! Click on the blue "Contents" box at the bottom of this page or the "Links Page" on the Sidebar and look for the NEW "Lost and Found" links! Hope they help you find some old buddies.
This is a (fairly) NEW POST -- we are trying to reach veterans of all wars, conflicts, and peace times. NOTE: If you are serving honorably on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces TODAY -- You are qualified to join the American Legion! Membership in the American Legion is based on military service dates established by Congress -- when you served, not necessarily where you served.... ALL your contributions to any major military effort still count -- regardless if you were "in country" or "in theatre" -- and your efforts are appreciated by The American Legion; the largest veteran's organization in the country. Join Now! For an on-line application - . IMPORTANT! If you receive a dues renewal from your OLD post (and you have transferred to this Post), do not send your dues to the address on that card. Instead, enclose your $30 check and the renewal notice card and send it to: Del Rio-Laughlin Post #298, P.O. Box 421554, Del Rio, TX 78842-1554. We will send you your 2008 card. |
S.A.L. Links | |
News | |
Public Affairs | |
Post Officers | |
Join the American Legion | |
American Legion Background | |
A.L. Riders National Site | |
A.L. Riders Local Site (pending) | |
Boys Nation Link | |
Texas Boys State | |
Flag Information | |
Contact Information | |
Links Page |